Friday, March 28, 2014

Web-Services and Social Media Recruiting

Difference between web service and social media site as a tool for finding a job 
From traditional newspaper job posting to social media recruitment companies have a come a long way in the recruiting process not without some advantages and disadvantages. There are a handful of popular web services like dice, monster, careerbuilder, etc., wherein recruiters get to post their job requirements apart from the traditional methods. For a large multi-national corporate that recruits hundreds of people everyday web services are better fit than a social media posting for a good candidate. Also social media highly helps in recruiting high profile candidates who have an open social media history than for other regular mid-level job requirements. 
Web services offer a wide variety of job in a particular industry at different levels.  Candidates get an option to choose from a few listings and narrow down the job that they want to apply. Prospective job applicants could get to search jobs pertaining to defined geographical locations and at desired salary range. In contrast to web-services, social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, or FaceBook also have job listings from large corporate or from small and medium businesses. But these openings are rather limited or totally outnumbered when compared to web-services openings. 
Advantages and Disadvantages 
  • Most social media openings will give us an opportunity to initiate contact with the recruiting authority
  • The chances for the candidates to get recommended are more, if he is a good fit for the position and also enables the candidate to provide more relevant data to the employer about his previous employment
  • Social media recruitment provides the human touch to recruiting when compared to the keyword filtering offered by web-services, which is considered to be a relationship driven connection
  • In contrast to the above advantages for somebody who have posted drug usages, obscene or grammatically incorrect words in their social media updates that is sure going to stop them from landing in their dream job
When and why would a position not be made available Online
  • A position that needs lot of creative talent should not be advertised online that restricts the applicant’s creative nature with keyword filtering concept.
  • For positions that need high level management skills, has to be sourced through referrals and networks. It need not be advertised online which enables thousands of applications being submitted which again limits the human screening potential
  • Any position that needs human interventions from first level to final level of recruitment need not be advertised online
Online references: 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Digital resumes and keywords - Pitfall or Panacea

An increasing number of companies only accept digital resumes. This allows them to scan resumes for keywords. How does this work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the use of keywords for employers and applicants? Is this fair treatment?

Gone are the days posting a job requirement in a newspaper and applying for the position through a paper resume over postal mail. In the modern era and technology bound world everything is through digital media announcements. Applicants could well to get to know about the requirements through job portals or directly from the employer’s website. Now both employers and prospective applicants have a wide pool to choose from. But there are both advantages and disadvantages in this medium.

Because of the reach of announcement about a job requirement there is a humongous amount of resume that pile up for that particular position. It is not humanly possible to go through every single resume and shortlist a bunch of them. There comes the option to shortlist the resume using keywords. When employers or job portals use keywords, they might get the resumes using the most or repetitive keywords, but definitely not the best of the available lot. Somebody who is more technologically inclined can create a best resume for any available job using keywords, whereas somebody who is not so technologically inclined but really skilled to suit the job requirement might not get a chance. The other scenario is that keyword filtering saves lot of cost and time associated with short-listing the result. It makes the task easier for prospective employers and job portals to narrow down the matching applicants in a lesser time. So there are both pros and cons associated with keyword filters for employers and prospective job applicants.

It becomes highly imperative that the prospective candidate should well be able to market himself with the right mix of keywords. In most cases, it forces the applicants to tailor make resume when they apply for different jobs through employers websites. By doing this originality of the applicants gets compromised due to the nature of keyword filtering.

It is evenly fair and unfair to both employers and applicants by all means as it being played in a level field. So there is no question of who gets most of it, as both employers and applicants are mutually benefitted by digital resumes and keyword concepts, hence it is fair to be called a fair treatment.